Black woman #BeautifulWoman campaign
Her beauty is unique. She is desirable. Any man would want her. She is "marryable". She is a Black woman. She is a #BeautifulWoman. And this is how wants people to see her by launching a social media campaign this month of March, celebrating Black women and their desirable qualities using the hashtag #BeautifulWoman.
There have been misconceptions and wrongful misrepresentation of the black woman for years; the infamous ones being she is less desirable than women from other races; she is less "marryable." Well, the IDC campaign is aimed at shifting this perception and make people realize that women of color are just as desirable... their beauty is unique.
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"... I’ve seen the successes and the marriages and feel grateful to be in the position to tell their stories. Black women are realizing that men of all races are open, because a beautiful woman is a #BeautifulWoman", proclaims Christelyn Karazin, IDC’s Brand Ambassador. is the largest interracial dating community with 50% of its members being black women looking to meet and date men outside their race.
"For this reason, the dating site is officially announcing InterracialDatingCentral’s #BeautifulWoman social media campaign, and is encouraging everyone to participate by posting pictures, poetry, positive affirmations, quotes and ideas about what makes black women beautiful, unique and lovable with the hashtag #BeautifulWoman."
The campaign however is not just about black women. Its simply about Beautiful Women regardless of race.
"We chose the common #BeautifulWoman hashtag without mention of race because we want to drive the point home that black women are simply… Beautiful Women. Period," explains Karazin. "We would also like to see a continued shift in consciousness as to what is considered the ideal American female standard of beauty."
Karazin explains about the #BeautifulWoman campaign in this video:
IDC welcomes everyone's participation in this wonderful campaign. Let's celebrate the #Beautifulwoman this month. How would you describe a beautiful woman?
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