Black woman meets her 'anonymous' sperm donor and interracial love blossoms

Posted by Sidney, 06 Nov

Aminah Hart, 42, was a single woman from Melbourne, Australia who always had wanted a family of her own. Unfortunately, she lost two sons consecutively from a genetic disorder. Determined to have a family, Hart decided to use vitro fertilization and a sperm donor. Little did she know what fate had in store for her.

When going through applicants forms, Hart came across one with the description: "happy and healthy." And for some reason, she just knew that "happy and healthy" was what she needed - that was the donor for her. And 9 months later, her daughter Leila came into her world.

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She was shocked at Leila's features: She was blonde. "Black women don’t have blonde babies", Hart thought. Well this really got her thinking about the man that fathered her child. So she decided to contact the clinic.

Lucky for Hart, this sperm donor Scott Andersen had agreed to be contacted by any children that resulted from his donations, so long as they were below the age of 18. And much as he was already a committed father of four children, he gladly agreed to meet his daughter Leila. So they met soon after her first birthday.

And after several months of meeting, the connection between Hart and Andersen grew amazingly. And when one day they got stranded at friend’s home overnight because of some closed road, they couldn't deny this connection any longer. "It was quite surreal that it was not uncomfortable. There was a little bit of romance born that night…We fell in love. It was surreal but an incredible experience," says Hart.

The couple have been together for more than a year now and they recently appeared in the documentary series “Australian Story.”

Unconventional love story? Well I guess there is nothing really unconventional when it comes to love, or is there now? For the video, visit

1 responses to "Black woman meets her 'anonymous' sperm donor and interracial love blossoms"

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  1.   Isomat says:
    Posted: 07 Nov 15

    so sweet and touching xxx

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