White men who support 'color blindness' are less likely to date Black women?

Posted by Sidney, 01 Feb

Most people take the concept of 'color blindness' to mean openness to people of all races and colors. People have always assumed its the best way of curbing racial discrimination. However, most people who endorse this concept usually ignore the whole concept of race. Somehow we tend to use 'color blindness' and 'multiculturalism' interchangeably.

According to an article by Eric Nolan on RawStory:

Find your soulmate on InterracialDating.com

The color-blind ideology holds that “race should not and does not matter.” Those who endorse multiculturalism believe society should embrace a multitude of ethnic and cultural groups. Multiculturalism makes an “effortful positive evaluation of group differences.”

In a new study, our dating within or outside our races is highly influenced by our ideological beliefs such as 'color blindness' and 'multiculturalism'. And going by these two ideologies, the study revealed that young white men who support color blindness are less likely to date black women in comparison to those who don't support it. On the other hand, both young white and black men who go by multiculturalism are more likely to date women of other races as opposed to those who don't support multiculturalism.

James E. Brooks of Tennessee State University and Helen A. Neville of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign conducted the study which was published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. The participants of the study were 62 black and 62 white male college students. The participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of women on eight fake online dating profiles - three black women, three white women, one Asian and one Latina woman.

In general, most of them were attracted to women from their own races. But when the 'color blind' and 'multicultural' ideologies were put into play, the participants’ ideology greatly influenced their responses.

Those white men who greatly supported colorblindness expressed less interest in dating black women “Thus, although white men endorsed statements which suggest that race does not matter in society, it appeared that race did matter in their personal lives as indicated by their romantic attraction,” wrote the researchers. When it came to the black participants, researchers found no correlation between 'color blindness' and their attraction to white women. The young black men who endorsed this ideology showed less attraction to black women.

On to 'multiculturalism'; the more a participant believed in multiculturalism - both black and white men - the more likely they were to be attracted to women of another race.

“These results are important because they suggest that it is more than a mere absence of prejudice that can foster interracial attraction but that a conscious commitment to the recognition and valuing of difference across race may be what is influential in interracial attraction,” Brooks and Neville wrote.

So as per the study, 'color blind' ideologies don't curb racial discrimination - if anything, they contribute to it ('Ignore' as opposed to 'Embrace'). What do you think?

34 responses to "White men who support 'color blindness' are less likely to date Black women?"

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  1.   NYGriego says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 16

    Those white men who greatly supported colorblindness expressed less interest in dating black women “Thus, although white men endorsed statements which suggest that race does not matter in society, it appeared that race did matter in their personal lives as indicated by their romantic attraction,” Isn't that called having a preference? I've got nothing against black women. I think that they have many qualities which plenty of men would like a woman to have. I've dated black women in the past but for me my attraction and preference is a woman who can understand what it's like to live in a multicultural society similar to my Greek culture. I wasn't accepted by many African American kids or even "pure" white kids because I wasn't "white enough" and/or either spoke a different language or they just didn't understand what it's like to grow up in a house that is trying to instill two different cultures and their customs into the children very carefully. I grew up in a Latin neighborhood where weekends meant that moms out there were blasting music while cooking up a storm and cleaning. As soon as we got our chores done inside the house we were told to do yard work or go play if there wasn't any work to do outside. Freestyle music was blasting from one house, in the distance you might have heard a "Wepa!" blurted out of nowhere, and you walked a bit further to where the other house next door was blasting some Celia Cruz. The whole block smelled like a giant kitchen. I didn't have cousins in the US, they were all in Greece. So my friends became my "adopted" cousins and we helped each other learn English, understand and teach one another their cultures. It all boils down to chemistry and compatibility. If you cannot understand what it's like to write the bills for your parents because all they know how to do is make a decent signature, do the banking, translate what a salesman is saying for your parents, laugh at how other people pronounce your first and/or last name, etc then you're just at the tip of the iceberg why you won't be able to understand me or my thoughts and we won't be compatible. Granted, there are many african cultures out there but again it also has to do with preference as well as chemistry and compatibility. Chemistry's nothing without compatibility If there's just chem but no compatibility then the relationship won't last long But if they are compatible then the chemistry can be instant or possibly develop slowly.

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  2.   Sue1991 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 16

    It's so liberating for me to say that I am black and I am interested in white men.

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  3.   michaelpa says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 16

    Soooooo I have dated probably 75% black and Puerto Rican women in my life( am 66)....without any color evaluation....I went with women I was attracted to. I don't even have any like of "multiculturalism" as it is described today. So would someone PLEASE tell me how you would like me to describe myself so all of you will approve. I simply don't understand what you want ME to say. I have dated and LOVED women of these races without concerning myself with race. And I knew much discrimination as I did so...especially from the males of this world. That never swayed me. I was and AM my own man. Help me here.....Thank you all.

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  4.   xxxhomer123 says:
    Posted: 04 Mar 16

    I not into coloe blindness> I am into finding the love of my life. I am white but i perfer black ladies as they have lovely skin and to have the true love of a black lady is like finding a treasure chest of gold, Their love is real and if they are treated like the queen they are you will have a lady that ,will stand with you better than anyine. When i find my black lady I will show her true love and she will know she is loved 24/7 and I will do anything to see that she is happy because if she is not how can i be. I found one black lady on a web site and tried to give her my contact info and they band me from the site and i can't find her. I onlt saw her that one time and wow. All I know is she was from Hillsville VA and her name was I'mlovinit. But maybe i will find another as i search. One thing women need to know is that if i am interested iot you Wink is about all they allow unless you join and pay. I don't mind paying for my love but there are a lot of lovely black ladies that i like but i don't meet their requirements. Love you ladies and i am still looking and i hope it is you

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    • pearlygate says:
      Posted: 21 May 16

      Aaawwww!thats so sweet! you really do understand black women Would love to meet u!!

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  5.   sponte50 says:
    Posted: 20 Feb 16

    I love and want a black magic women ,that's life and inspirational,and some I long for and have nothing to do with sex,I love it but if there are love it come by itself .:) :):)

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  6.   Felix1606 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 16

    Being "colour-blind" is pretty much saying that you're "turning a blind eye" on colour. One cannot pretend it's not there. I believe it's a state of denial.

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  7.   Grace_Jones says:
    Posted: 15 Feb 16

    I've been saying this for years! "Color-blindness" is not real. How can you say you don't see race and then limit your scope of attraction to certain skin tones or ethnic backgrounds. Even if you exhibit such limitation, you still notice ethnicity and culture. Because, just as you notice someone's hair or eye color, you notice their skin color and their accent.

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  8.   CPW1985 says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 16

    Can I just say I love black women!

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 20 Mar 16

      Yes you can say you love Black women. I love White men but I am not color blind. I choose to love based on how you treat men but we do not live in a color blind society. I want someone who embraces me for who I am as I will embrace him for who he is.

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    • pearlygate says:
      Posted: 21 May 16

      We love u toooo!

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  9.   Elaineg says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 16

    I actually would like to date and marry a white man but I don't like wondering if he'll date me or even likes woman of color...

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    • Jazy26 says:
      Posted: 26 Feb 16

      Don't wonder just go for it. White guys love the ideal of a nice black woman. Some women are too out there. Just go for it.

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  10.   Jolliene says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 16

    I am looking for a white guy and am not interested in black guy whatsoever..I need a kid too

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    • clueless27 says:
      Posted: 18 Feb 16

      This makes me laugh so much. I think it is the ending that wins it for me. I need a kid aswell hahaha! Birlliant

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    • Nacki says:
      Posted: 21 Feb 16

      Just go have your own kid without the man. You can always find a man, but you can't always have a baby. Don't wait until you become infertile without a man regretting you just didn't have a baby by yourself.

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      • blackbelle01 says:
        Posted: 08 Apr 16

        I don't endorse anyone having children without being married first. This is a major problem already in the African American community and it needs to stop. No marriage no womb. Like my Mother use to tell us keep your skirt down and your legs closed.

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  11.   Jolliene says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 16

    I am looking for a white guy and am not interested in black guy whatsoever..I need a kid too..but this seems to take ages

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  12.   bobwire_04 says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 16

    Ok, so those stats may be accurate or not.As for me n my personal preference , I date only blk women and eventually I will find the right one, forever.

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  13.   aujus says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 16

    Compliments to the editor who selected the article's companion pic :)

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  14.   Sugahrush says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 16

    There seems to be a great push to adopt the concept of color blindness. I feel that this illogical at best, degrading at its worst. Melanin (color) is, at first glance, the wellspring of attraction. It either attracts or repels (even those 'seated beside us on the color wheel') isn't simply decorative! It is a treasure chest of our ethnic, cultural, genetic histories. It is a composite of who we are; whose we are and where we have been. It partners with our ethnicity to reveal our pasts and hint at he potency of our future potential. I'd never say that we must make a big deal of our own ethnicity, but we are definitely called and created to celebrate the obvious messages in this most obvious trait of our being. I can't see how one can blind themselves to color...I mean, the Emporers and the Empresses ARE definitely clothed in regal garments. It's foolish to front like we don't see this. Lol.

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    • MagicParadox says:
      Posted: 14 Feb 16

      This is beautifully written! I love "a treasure chest of our ethnic, cultural, [and] genetic histories"! I've always felt uncomfortable with the notion of 'colour blindness' as it has made me wonder whether the person promoting is also blind to racial issues and the issue of privilege. This article highlights a valuable distinction between 'colour blindness' and multiculturalism. I do not wish to be blind to my lover's delicious skin, his heritage, my privilege as a white woman (and his privilege as a man), and all that goes with (yet somehow reduced to) 'colour'. Just as if I date a Muslim man, I do not wish to be blind to his prayer times (if he prays), to his aversion to pork (if he follows Islam in this way), to his appreciation of modesty (I'll not date him if he prefers the 'sex-on-sticks' approach!), I do not seek to be blind to the history of slavery if I date an American black man (beautiful article about John Robert Lewis on our ABC--not to remotely be confused with the American version of ABC!--news website recently). We all have a history, some seen, some hidden, some traumatic, some less so--and we all have a responsibility to be sensitive and become educated about our lover's history, no?

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  15. Posted: 02 Feb 16

    It also depends on how the white man treats the lady too. It is not all about wanting to date, but also about how the man treats the woman and vice versa. I personally do not like to label myself at all. I'm who I am and my race does not define me. I take responsibility for my individual actions. Treating individuals with respect no matter what their race is called equality. Trying to combat discrimination as a whole, not just discrimination based on race, but all forms of discrimination is very important too. What I dislike is when family or friends say black or white before girlfriend or wife. Why not just Girlfriend or Wife, will the man have many wives and girlfriends at the same time that are of different races? Like the sentence his white/black wife, makes me think the man has more than one wife and then that makes me feel, for some reason, that his wife is some how less important. It just irritates me. For me, I have treatable medical conditions that are hereditary, so once ladies, no matter the race, hear about my conditions they run for the hills of "friend only". Sounds a lot like discrimination to me, but no matter what race the answer is usually the same. It is like I am genetically inferior as a man. You see it is more than race that can cause discrimination and it is sad to see that some forms of discrimination is acceptable and others are not. All forms should be treated equally, but I even myself admit that I understand why ladies run. It is out of fear and discrimination is always out of being fearful and weak. Even if the white man wants to date a black lady or visa versa does not mean that it is not just out of lust. For some deep down need to know what it is like to go the distance with any lady or man of any race just to tell his or her friends that I know what a white man or black lady is like. Like a taste tester. Like people are some type of food to consume and then throw away if they do not sit right with them. I imagine even racist people will date just out of arrogance and spite. For me I am not looking for a lady that will date me because I happen to be a white man. I'm looking for a lady to date me because I am me and that she is seriously interested in me, personality and all. :-)

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  16.   Brunsugah says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 16

    I like the colourblind thing but don't want someone to be blind to my colour but to embrace it as one of the things he loves about me.

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  17.   bob2363 says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 16

    I do think concept should be, rather, that liberty equality and fraternity apply to all mankind, using wider concept of term to me women as well as men, all colours, races, and so forth. Any limitation such as restraint (imprisonment) only for specified acts, which rules apply to all). Is time for the 1776 declaration be applied to every body.

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  18.   peterness says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 16

    The message about embracing multiculturalism is nice. I wonder why there weren't equal numbers of womens' profiles to choose from? I.e. why weren't there 3 Latinas and 3 Asians?

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  19. Posted: 01 Feb 16

    I agree. I find that WM that are conservative (Republicans) are more likely to date and actually marry a BW. I always run from any man that says he is color blind because they are normally not being truthful

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